Háčkované vianočné stromčeky

Dekorácie v podobe vianočných stromčekov k Vianociam jednoducho patria. Vyrábajú sa z dreva, plastu, papiera, látky a, samozrejme, aj z priadze pomocou háčika. Návod, ako si uháčkovať vianočné stromčeky s rôznymi motívmi nájdete v tomto článku.

Háčkované vianočné stromčeky

Vianočné stromčeky sú háčkované filetovou technikou. Na výber máte z viacerých motívov, ktoré sú vnútri stromčeka – anjelik, zvonček, sviečka, sob, kostolík a pod.

Pri háčkovaní postupujte podľa týchto schém na háčkovanie. Plné okienka sú označené bodkou alebo krížikom.

Hotové vianočné stromčeky riadne naškrobte a vypnite pomocou špendlíkov, aby držali svoj tvar. Takto pripravené stromčeky môžete zavesiť na dvere alebo okno. Háčkované vianočné stromčeky sa sa dajú použiť aj na dekorovanie vianočných darčekov, pohľadníc alebo ako vianočné ozdoby na ozajstný vianočný stromček.

  1. Is there a pattern? Are there started from a foundation chain? I’ve looked everywhere and all I find are the graphs but no instructions

    • To determine your foundation chain length, take the number of squares you want and multiply that by three, then add five (three for the edge/first stitch and two for the first space). The black squares or cros quares or dott square will be solid crochet and the white squares will be left open.
      Each square, whether it is a block or mesh, will consist of three parts: a block will have three stitches, and an open mesh will have a stitch and two chains. At the end of a row, you will add one more stitch, so your ending block will have four stitches and your ending mesh will have a stitch, two chains, and a stitch.
      There are a few rules to remember when using filet crochet to make a design:
      Filet crochet:
      1. If the first grid of a row is filled, the beginning of the row will be a chain 3. If it is empty, the beginning is chain 5.
      2. Always skip the first DC. The beginning chain of the row will always include the first stitch.
      3. If the first grid of a row is filled, skip the first DC and work the first two DC into the first ch-2 space. If it is empty, skip the first DC and ch-2 space and DC into the first DC.
      4. If the last grid of a row is filled, but the first grid of the next row is empty: turn, chain 5, then skip the first 3 DC.
      5. If you are working an empty square over a filled square, you will need to skip the two DC stitches between the “lines” of the grid.
      6. When working a design that is on graph paper, work the odd-numbered rows from right to left and the even-numbered rows from left to right.

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